Women’s Group
Women’s Group
June 3, 2019
Dear participants of the Women’s Meditation Practice Group,
We were delighted by the interest and enthusiasm generated in our first two Sunday gatherings, and were pleased that attendance grew significantly on the second Sunday. We anticipate that it will continue to grow as more women hear about it who are interested in finding community support for their individual practice, or starting a practice. We hope that the gathering will support both seasoned and beginning meditators.
We are learning about how to best serve this budding community. We will vary the practices offered in the meditation room, and follow with tea and discussion for those who are interested in participating. Our format during tea last Sunday – with questions as sparks for discussion in small groups – may have worked for some, and not for others. Bear with us as we refine what follows the communal meditation.
Many of you have been in the Nyingma community a long time, or have practiced for many years. We really welcome your participation if you are interested in leading group practices, want to offer topics for discussion, or are skilled in facilitating discussion. Please reach out to us. Snacks to share are also welcome!
Our intention is to promote a beneficial and supportive experience. We can speak more about our wishes for our community as a group.
We so look forward to our next opportunity to be together. Upcoming dates in 2019 include June 30, July 28, and August 25. If you are receiving news of this group for the first time, we hope you consider joining us.
Warmest regards,
Donna and Abbe