Workshops & Retreats (In-Person & Online)

Most programs are online; a select number are hybrid (both online and in person) based on the discretion of the instructor. Some longer retreats may be in person only. Please register as early as possible in order to ensure that your workshop will run, as programs must meet minimum enrollment conditions. Our suggested registration deadline for workshops is one week in advance. After you enroll, a faculty member will send you the link to join online — usually this is sent about a day before the date of the workshop. 

Late Spring and Summer WORKSHOPS & RETREATS

Deepening Meditative Awareness (MED489)

May 4th (Saturday), 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM, PT

Online and In Person at the Nyingma Institute

In this workshop, we will observe and explore obstacles in meditation that keep us on the surface level of mind, in order to dive deeper into mind’s capacity for calmness, clarity and contentment.  There is no need to try to accomplish some goal, since trying itself becomes an obstacle to relaxation. … when you exert too much effort, you can find yourself caught between getting something and not getting it, making internal reports to yourself while trying to be silent. (Tarthang Tulku, Gesture of Balance)  We will apply tools to cut through these distracting habit patterns of mind, so that we can relax body, open the senses, and cultivate clarity and calmness of mind. Some meditation experience is required. 

Instructor: Olivia Hurd. Cost: $50. Registration: 


Befriending our Aging Being: Meditations on Impermanence (NPS582)

May 11th (Saturday), 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM, PT

Online and In Person at the Nyingma Institute

This Nyingma Psychology workshop will explore the rich potential and opportunities unique to aging, for any age, through the Buddha’s teachings of Impermanence, that can wake us up to appreciate this precious moment, life now.  It is possible to meet changing limitations of mind and body with more conscious awareness, with compassion and increasing acceptance, and perhaps find inspiration and deepening gratitude for what is. Includes meditation, readings and discussions. Some meditation experience required. 

Instructor: Olivia Hurd. Cost: $50. Registration: 


Awakening Faith in the Lotus Born Guru:  Three Day Retreat (NPR508)

May 16th – 18th (Thursday – Saturday), 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM 

In Person Only 

During this retreat, we will immerse ourselves in accessible yet potent practices such as visualization, mantra, and prayers based on instructions given by Padmasambhava himself and great Nyingma masters, including Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. By uniting our minds with Padmasambhava, we can liberate our habitual identification with body, speech, and mind from the closed loop of the self and enter into a vast vision of awakened being.

Rooted in the nature of mind, Padmasambhava’s teachings possess a singular directness that can transform our experience of reality. Join us to strengthen your connection with the profound vision and methods of this enlightened lineage, revitalize your faith, and open to Padmasambhava’s blessings.

Learn more: 

Instructors: Pema Gellek and Lama Palzang. Cost: $360. Registration: 


How to Meditate Workshop (MED403)

May 25th (Saturday), 10:00AM – 1:00PM, PT 

Online and In Person at the Nyingma Institute

This three hour in-person workshop is an introduction to meditation, and is also for those who have started meditation but wish a ‘tune-up’; or to restart a stalled practice.  To facilitate deepening relaxation and support quieting mind, we will begin with some slow body movements (Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga), and breathing practices, (Shamatha), to integrate body and mind, shifting the habit-patterns of mind. Through applying a non-judgmental, compassionate approach, allowing acceptance of whatever arises, we let go of expectations to accomplish a particular goal.  In simply letting go, something new will shift, and open. Olivia Hurd, Nyingma Meditation Instructor, has taught meditation at Nyingma Institute for over 18 years.

Instructor: Olivia Hurd. Cost: $50. Registration:


Workshop: Filled with Devotion (DHS412)

June 1st (Saturday), 10:00 AM–1:00 PM, PT 

Online and In Person at the Nyingma Institute

 The final chapter of the sacred text known as the Uttaratantra, titled “Benefit,” describes the immense merit for the world generated by devotion and certainty in the Dharma. Through practice and discussion, we develop an understanding of faith based on insight. Readings from Buddha Nature. Open to all with interest in Buddhist thought.

Instructors: Mark Henderson and Hugh Joswick. Cost: $50. Registration: 


Making Mind the Matter (DHS407)

July 6th (Saturday), 10 AM–1:00 PM, PT 

Online and In person at the Nyingma Institute

 Working specifically with the traditional “three trainings”—ethical action, meditation, and wisdom—we gain insight into how “reality” is fabricated and how the patterns of ego, personality, and identity drive that process. Readings: Milking the Painted Cow, pages 99–106.

Instructors: Mark Henderson and Hugh Joswick. Cost: $50. Registration: