Nyingma Institute Blog
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In Loving Memory of Barr M. Rosenberg
We trust that we will meet him again in a mandala of enlightened activity.
Join us at Taste & Tribute 2024
In support of Tibetan Aid Project’s annual benefit dinner
Stories of Life and Death
We teach our children ‘the facts of life’—when do we learn ‘the facts of death?’
Do I Need an “I” to Grow Potatoes?
Comments by faculty and students reflecting their nine months journey in the vastness of Tarthang Tulku’s “Knowledge of Freedom”
Knowledge of Freedom: Inquiry at a Deeper Level
“. . . it’s completely and entirely open and honest, relentlessly inviting you to further inquiry, without any dogma. It’s both challenging and very open.”
Lighting a Lamp in the White House for Peace and Healing
On May 26, 2021, for the first time in the US history, the celebration of Vesak — the birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana of the Buddha — was held in The White House.
Skillful Means: Work-Study as Full-Time Practice
We live, work, and practice together with the intention to grow and cultivate our hearts and minds through service.
Padmakara Garden: A Lotus Beginning to Unfold
Since our last update, large decorative boulders have been selected and nudged carefully into place via forklift. The main stairs . . .
Offering the Caring Anthem
We at the Nyingma Institute, dedicated to the Buddhist path of healing the causes of suffering and generating a positive momentum of body, speech and mind offer these words from Tarthang Tulku’s Caring book for all of us, inter-connected . . .
Tribute to Jack van der Meulen
“Jack was a loving, kind, open-hearted being who introduced countless people to the treasures of Kum Nye and the spiritual life.”
Ways to Help: Seeking a Used Car
We are seeking recommendations for a safe, lightly-used car to purchase, one without major repairs needed, for transporting supplies and people.
Caring: Finding Beauty and Radiance in Difficult Times
We want to encourage stillness, resilience, attunement to beauty, and the possibility of caring at all times, especially when we feel the most challenged.
Letter from Rinpoche
A letter to the community in this time of COVID-19.
Nyingma Net
A new free program. Let’s practice together, find new ways to keep in touch, and deepen our understanding.
Garden of the Sacred: The Padmakara Meditation Garden
“Without any commentary or explanation, we can walk through a garden and feel the fullness of the experience …
Letter from the Deans for Winter & Early Spring 2020
As a new year approaches, it’s worth contemplating what you would like to cultivate and invite into your life.
What makes “Path of Liberation” special?
Deepen your understanding of the living spirit of Buddhist teaching and practice.
Letter from the Deans for Fall 2019
It is well known that the Buddha taught a universal love and compassion that had a profound effect on all who met him, but he was also modeling a revolutionary way of caring for our mind at the deepest level . . .
Why Study Tibetan?
Translation literally means “to carry across.” It is said that the Tibetan language was created with the purpose of translating Dharma texts.
Women’s Group
Our intention is to promote a beneficial and supportive experience. We so look forward to our next opportunity to be together.
The Evolution of our Long Retreats
Human Development Training
Letter from the New Deans
A Dynamic Point of Balance