Padmakara Garden Planning: A blog entry from Yuji

Padmakara Garden Planning  By Yuji Matsumoto  April 4, 2020 Hello, my name is Yuji and I am part of the residential community and a full-time staff member at the Nyingma Institute. My current duty, along with fellow residents Katie Black and Kris Klark, is to...

Stories of Life and Death

Stories of Life and Death November 2, 2022  by Laurie Hopman  We teach our children ‘the facts of life’—when do we learn ‘the facts of death?’ Over the course of my life, death became a companion to life. Like most people I had experiences of illness in myself or in...

What makes “Path of Liberation” special?

What makes “Path of Liberation” special? This program is an excellent entry point to the vastness of this body of knowledge that is our lineage, a living path, and a shared human inheritance that becomes all the more precious the more we appreciate its...