Jan. 14 / Food, Relaxation, and Movement as Medicine (KNR412)

Whole foods received by our bodies in an optimal state of digestion, provide fuel for energy, and the elements for building and repair of our structure and physiologic functioning. Relaxation through Kum Nye allows us to transform deeply held tensions in our subtle body energy system into circulating energy, and wake up areas that are dormant, healing at the deepest level. Healthy movement supports circulation of fluids and energy, releasing tension, and expressing our best intentions through action in the world. In this workshop we explore healing through food, relaxation and movement, utilizing Kum Nye Relaxation as our foundation.

KNR412 Food, Relaxation, and Movement as Medicine, January 14, (10 AM–4:45 PM)

Cost: $80. Instructor: Donna Morton. Suitable for all levels of students.

Jan. 14 / How to Meditate (MED401)

Meditation is the process of self-discovery. On one level the meditation experience shows us the patterns of our lives—how we have carried on our emotional characteristics since childhood. But on another level it frees us from these patterns, making it easier for us to see our inner potentials. Tarthang Tulku, Gesture of Balance.

This half-day workshop provides basic instruction in meditation and allows time to discuss how to sustain or renew a regular meditation practice. You will learn how to sit and focus the mind in silent meditation. You will also learn how to utilize Tibetan chanting in meditation. This workshop is a good introduction to the unique Nyingma approach to self-development, an approach that emphasizes individual responsibility and freedom.

MED401 How to Meditate, January 14 (10 AM–1 PM)

Cost: $45. Instructor: Olivia Hurd. 10 AM–1 PM, followed by lunch. Suitable for beginning or intermediate students wishing to establish a regular meditation practice.

The Wheel of Life

May 5-6 (Friday, 7-9 PM; Saturday, 10 AM-4:45 PM) 

The symbolism of the Tibetan Wheel of Life demonstrates fundamental Buddhist teachings concerning the force of actions, interdependent arising, and how mental patterns evolve and take form as conscious beings (like us) in various realms of existence. These key teachings point out how suffering arises, is perpetuated, and how it can be brought to an end.

Cost: $95. Instructors: Mark Henderson and Hugh Joswick. Friday, 7-9 PM; Saturday, 10 AM-4:45 PM.  Prerequisite: sincere interest in the Buddha’s teachings.

Vajrasattva Purification Workshop

April 1 (10 AM–4:45 PM)

All beings carry some negative karma that may present obstacles to the accumulation of merit and wisdom. This workshop will focus on the invocation of Vajrasattva as a powerful means of purification of the negativity of body, speech and mind.  The practice of the Four Reliances and prayers, mantras and visualizations related to Vajrasattva offer a process of deep purification of both gross and subtle imprints of the history we carry within mind.  As karmic bonds loosen in the brilliant light of bodhicitta, mind experiences ease and renewed vigor to continue the path of liberation.

Cost: $80. Instructors: Lama Palzang and Pema Gellek

Sunday Kum Nye Yoga

Sunday Morning Kum Nye (10:00 AM – Noon)  Discover the gentle movement exercises of Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga: effective techniques for relaxation, healing, relieving tension, and revitalizing body and mind. Both experienced and beginning students are welcome to...