Stimulating the Wholeness of Being
3-Day Online retreat
June 2 – 4, 2023
Once we are in tune with universal laws, our purpose in life becomes clear. Through Kum Nye Healing we are no longer separate from ourselves. We feel complete within. Nothing is missing; nothing then needs healing, for the nature of our being is open.
— Arnaud Maitland, Kum Nye Healing Teachings, 2018
This retreat is a chance to practice what is central to Kum Nye Healing: bringing together what has become separate by stimulating the wholeness of being.
Kum Nye brings mind into the body and stimulates the flow of feeling through stillness and movement. With this practice we create inner space and deepen understanding. Life is changed by contacting and cultivating the energy of the breath. In such, beginning to discover the healing rhythms that link us to the vitality of the universe itself.
During the three days of the retreat we will join in healing circles that promote communication between inner and outer space, opening healing for ourselves and others.
Retreat Schedule
June 2-4, 2023
Fri-Sat-Sun 9- Noon (PST)/ 18.00-21.00 (CET)
Three online sessions of 3 hours each, 9 hours in total.
The retreat will be held through Zoom.
Sign up for Stimulating the Wholeness of Being
The retreat is the final part of the 5-month international Kum Nye Healing program, so participation is included for program participants.
This retreat may also be attended by those who have not been a part of the Kum Nye Healing program, but who have Kum Nye experience.
Cost for the retreat separately: $150
Retreat Faculty & Text
Abbe Blum is a long time student of Tarthang Tulku and a seasoned teacher, presenting Kum Nye, Joy of Being, Lotus Trilogy and Nyingma Psychology at Nyingma Institute and Dharma College, both in Berkeley. She worked as one of the editors on several of Rinpoche’s latest books.
She holds a B.A. from UC Berkeley, an M.A. from Cambridge University, England, where she was a Marshall scholar, and a Ph.D. in English Literature from Yale University. As an Associate Professor at Swarthmore College, she taught Shakespeare and intensive writing seminars, and she currently teaches in the School of Psychology and Interdisciplinary Inquiry at Saybook University.
Tetske Hoitsma has worked for more than 40 years as a physiotherapist and haptotherapist in various rehabilitation centers. In addition, she has followed years of training in energy work. Guiding people who suffer from the loss of their health and need to find a new balance in their lives has always had her heart. Tetske has been involved with Nyingma Centrum Nederland since 1998 and teaches Kum Nye. She was the main coordinator of the Basic Training for Kum Nye trainers and has opened her heart to Caring: the path of caring for yourself and others with respect and unconditional friendship