
Faculty AllBuddhist StudiesKum NyeMeditationNyingma PsychologySkillful MeansTibetan LanguageTime Space Knowledge Pema GellekBuddhist Studies, Dean, Nyingma Psychology Lama PalzangBuddhist Studies, Dean, Meditation Hugh JoswickBuddhist Studies, Meditation Santosh...

Choose Your Path

Choose Your Path Something about how we present courses and stuff goes here! Our mission is to share the healing wisdom of the Nyingma tradition and reveal a path of inner freedom. The Nyingma Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donate or volunteer...

Letter from the New Deans

A dynamic point of balance A letter from the new Deans, Pema Gellek & Lama Palzang 3 Dear Community and Friends, Last July, when my father, Tarthang Rinpoche, requested that we become the new deans of the Nyingma Institute, it came as a great honor and surprise....

BPPE Information

Please click below to download a PDF of each document: School Catalog 2019 School Catalog 2018 School Catalog  2017 School Catalog  School Performance Fact Sheets 2015 – 2016 School Performance Fact Sheet: Kum Nye Program SPFS 2015 2016 Finding Inner Peace...

Tribute to Jack van der Meulen

A Tribute to Jack van der Meulen On February 12, 2020, at the end of the annual Longchenpa chant, long-time Kum Nye teacher and beloved Nyingma community member Jack van der Meulen died in Grand Rapids, Michigan, after a debilitating disease. Jack taught at the...