Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) is an evidence-based training developed at Stanford University’s Center for Compassion, Altruism, Research and Education that draws on Buddhist contemplative traditions as well as contemporary scientific research and...

Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga Teacher Training

Tibetan Yoga Teacher Training  “Through neglect, our senses have toughened like an elephant’s hide, diminishing the fullness of our sensory capacity. Until we gently soften this ‘toughness’ by developing the natural energies of our feelings and sensations, we cannot...

Light of Longchenpa

Light of Longchenpa: the Greatest Master of the Nyingma Tradition Sundays, 10AM-11:30AM PST (1PM EST; 2PM Rio de Janeiro time; 7PM Amsterdam time)*Seven sessions: October 30; November 6, 13, 20, 27; December 4, 11 This course introduces students to the life and...

Two-Year Nyingma Studies Program

Two-Year Nyingma Studies Program This program is designed to allow students to sample teachings from all areas of Nyingma studies, coming to a more comprehensive and deeper knowledge of the Nyingma tradition. Working closely with an advisor, students select courses...

Our Founder

Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche was born in Golok, Eastern Tibet in 1935.  Recognized at an early age as a reincarnate lama  (tulku), he received an unparalleled education in Tibet before leaving for India in 1958.  He received transmission of important Tibetan Buddhist...