A Return to Light

April 8 (10 AM-4:45 PM)

The Time, Space, and Knowledge vision describes a “light transmission” that is activated through knowledge. The discipline that leads from darkness to light begins with an experiential exploration into inner time and space. In this workshop, we discover a lightness of being through practices that illuminate the interplay of mind and world. We learn to find points of clarity within the world we inhabit, activating a path of light.

Light, radiance, and clarity then lead us forward on a journey that awakens delight and creativity. This journey takes us beyond outworn identities and concerns. “Lightly” we question the apparent limitation of who we are and what we can do—and mine each moment for clues that point beyond all limits.

Cost: $80. Instructor: Ken McKeon. Based on Tarthang Tulku’s, Dynamics of Time and Space. Open to all levels of students.

Cooking School

Cooking School at Nyingma Institute We have temporarily suspended all in-person instruction due to health concerns. Please sign up for our e-newsletter to receive updates about all of our programs!  Register Online The Joy of Mindful Vegetarian Cooking How can we...

Caring: Finding Beauty and Radiance in Difficult Times

Caring: Finding Beauty and Radiance in Difficult Times The Nyingma Institute often offers Nyingma Psychology classes based on Tarthang Tulku’s newest publications, including Caring. This online class, taught by Pema Gellek and Hugh Joswick, helps students cultivate...

Tribute to Jack van der Meulen

A Tribute to Jack van der Meulen On February 12, 2020, at the end of the annual Longchenpa chant, long-time Kum Nye teacher and beloved Nyingma community member Jack van der Meulen died in Grand Rapids, Michigan, after a debilitating disease. Jack taught at the...

Carolyn Memorial

In Memory and Celebration of Carolyn Pasternak  We are deeply honored to hold a memorial for our dearly beloved Carolyn Pasternak.  Please join us on June 23, 2019 to offer prayers and share some words of remembrance in honor of her extraordinary Dharma service,...