Honoring the Buddha

May 27 (10 AM-4:45 PM)

This workshop will focus on meditations and prayers that connect us to awakened presence. Devotions directed in this way can cleanse the dark ignorance and frustration of desire and aversion, transforming mind into a precious receptacle for realization. Staying balanced within this open and responsive space, each thought and each dimension of experience conveys radiance and the visible blessings of the Buddha.

Cost: $80. Primary Instructor: Lama Palzang

Prerequisite: Sincere interest in the Buddha’s teachings.

Increasing Brain Health through Tibetan Yoga

May 20 (10 AM-4:45 PM)

What is good for the brain is good for the whole being. This workshop presents an integrated program of Tibetan Yoga movement, breathing, and awareness exercises that can increase the healthy functioning of the brain. You will also learn about foods that nourish brain health and how exercise and good sleep patterns can rejuvenate the brain.

Recent research studies provide clear evidence that regular meditation, healthy eating, exercise, and a positive mental outlook slow the aging process in the brain—allowing us to stay healthy and happy longer. Writer Jeffrey Kluger recently wrote in Time Magazine that, “Deciding to live better, it increasingly seems, is the same as deciding to live younger.” Tibetan Yoga helps us to do just that: decreasing stress and negative thinking, while increasing circulation throughout the body as it opens the senses to positive stimuli. Tibetan Yoga instructor, physical therapist, and nutritional consultant Donna Morton has successfully worked for many years with students and clients battling illness and physical limitation. She firmly believes that we are never too old or too young to make healthy lifestyle changes. Says Donna, “Tibetan Yoga offers techniques and approaches that simultaneously benefit body and mind. This is a powerful combination that can be utilized directly to increase brain functioning and health at any age.”

Cost: $80. Instructor: Donna Morton. Open to all levels of students.

Integrating Flow of Feeling in the Energy Centers

May 13 (1–4 PM) 

Practices in this 3 hour workshop stimulate awareness and address tension in the head, throat, heart and belly centers. Learning how energy flows through or may be blocked in various centers, we can encourage positive energy, clarity, and more balance in our lives. This workshop is intended to support the Kum Nye students taking the weekly Working with Energy Centers class. Others are welcome to join in

Cost: $40. Instructor: Abbe Blum. Open to all levels of students.

Seeing Through Self-Images

April 29 (10 AM-4:45 PM)

In this workshop, we will explore the restrictive force of ‘self-images,” the conceptualizations our minds make of who we are. Developing neutral observation of these images, we can recognize how they operate and notice the thoughts and emotions tied up with them. This recognition begins a natural process of healing, allowing us to release negative self-talk and to let go of the images themselves.

Cost: $80. Instructors: Erika Rosenberg and Olivia Hurd. Based on Tarthang Tulku’s Openness Mind. Open to those with some experience in meditation or Nyingma Psychology.  

Embodiment of Beauty

April 22 (10 AM-4:45 PM)

“As we let beauty speak to us, if we bring our experience close to the heart, it will expand, and even overflow the ordinary boundaries between self and world. We may touch a quality of bliss or openness or merging where being itself is celebrating ecstatically.” Tarthang Tulku, Seeing the Beauty of Being.

Our physical senses are capable of receiving great beauty, bringing moments of exquisite feeling and deep satisfaction. To activate this capacity for beauty, confusion and repressed anger must be cleared out of the pathways of the senses. The Kum Nye practices introduced in this workshop initiate a stream of inner feeling that purifies the senses.

Cost: $80. Primary Instructor: Santosh Philip. Based on Tarthang Tulku’s Seeing the Beauty of Being and Joy of Being. Open to all levels of students.