About Us

Overview & Hours   The Nyingma Institute offers courses, workshops and retreats to the public. We have seven fields of study, including Meditation, Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga, Nyingma Psychology, and more. Our mission is to share the healing wisdom of the Nyingma...

Full Time Work-Study

Full-Time Work Study Program Residential Work-Study Program at a Buddhist Center of Learning Immerse yourself in a life of discovery and service in a Tibetan Buddhist educational center founded by Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche, one of the last Tibetan lamas to receive full...

Carolyn Memorial

In Memory and Celebration of Carolyn Pasternak  We are deeply honored to hold a memorial for our dearly beloved Carolyn Pasternak.  Please join us on June 23, 2019 to offer prayers and share some words of remembrance in honor of her extraordinary Dharma service,...

What makes “Path of Liberation” special?

What makes “Path of Liberation” special? This program is an excellent entry point to the vastness of this body of knowledge that is our lineage, a living path, and a shared human inheritance that becomes all the more precious the more we appreciate its...

Garden of the Sacred: The Padmakara Meditation Garden

Garden of the Sacred: The Padmakara Meditation Garden By C.M. Kushins — journalist and author March 1, 2020   “Without any commentary or explanation, we can walk through a garden and feel the fullness of the experience … Sustained, nourished, and supported by...