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“Whatever joys there may be in the world, all come from desiring the happiness of others. Whatever sufferings there are in the world, all come from desiring your own happiness.” 


We can train ourselves to put the welfare of others at the center of every thought and action through the power of bodhicitta. In this workshop we explore the relative mind of enlightenment. Working with the breath, and through certain preliminary practices cultivating love and compassion, we meditate on exchanging self for others. To transform the three poisons of desire, hatred, and ignorance, we can awaken compassion and wisdom of the mind of enlightenment in our hearts. Open to all with an interest in transforming their lives through meditation practice. Readings from Path of Heroes, which can be purchased from Dharma Publishing.  

Saturday, April 16th 10am-1pm PST

Instructors: Hugh Joswick & Mark Henderson