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Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:30 AM, PT, (March 5 – April 16, 2025)

Online only. Recordings will be available for those unable to join during class time. 

This comprehensive seven-week course charts the remarkable journey of Nyingma Buddhist teachings from their ancient Indian origins to their contemporary expression. Our class begins in ancient India, exploring the seminal contributions of early masters including Garab Dorje and Shri Singha. We will discover the profound impact of the eight great vidyadharas of Oddiyana and the rich wisdom traditions that flourished at Nalanda University. 

Tracing the dharma’s journey into Tibet, students will study the establishment of Buddhism through the KhenLobChoSum, the flowering of the Kama and Terma traditions, and the profound contributions of masters like Longchenpa and Jigme Lingpa. The course culminates in exploring how Tarthang Tulku carried forward the blessings of his revered teachers and his vision in establishing our spiritual community. This provides students a unique opportunity to understand their connection to, and the importance of supporting, this living stream of wisdom. 

Instructors:  Pema Gellek and Lama Palzang. 

Schedule:  International participants, please note that there are a few dates with different hours due to daylight savings — changed hours underlined.
Class 1 March 5 10 am PDT, 15.00 BRT, 19.00 CET
Class 2 March 12 10 am PST, 14.00 BRT, 18.00 CET
Class 3 March 19 10 am PST, 14.00 BRT, 18.00 CET
Class 4 March 26 10 am PST, 14.00 BRT, 18.00 CET
Class 5 April 2 10 am PST, 15.00 BRT, 19.00 CEST
Class 6 April 9 10 am PST, 15.00 BRT, 19.00 CEST
Class 7 April 16 10 am PST, 15.00 BRT, 19.00 CE

Part I: Origins in Ancient India

Class 1 & 2: The Dawn of the Sacred Teachings

  • Garab Dorje, Sri Singha, Mañjuśrīmitra 
  • Eight Vidyadharas
  • Padmasambhava, Vimalamitra
  • The Sacred Land of Oddiyana
Part II: Flowering in Tibet

Class 3: The Great Establishment

  • Khenpo Shantarakshita, Guru Padmasambhava, and King Trisong Deutsen
  • Padmasambhava and the 25 disciples

Class 4: Living Streams of Transmission

  • The Kama Lineage: Ancient Oral Traditions 
  • The Terma Tradition: Hidden Treasures
  • Great Treasure Revealers 

Classes 5 & 6: The Luminous Masters

  • Rongzom Chökyi Zangpo (1012-1088)
  • Katok Dampa Deshek (1122–1192)
  • Longchenpa (1308-1364)
  • Jigme Lingpa (1730-1798)
  • Patrul Rinpoche (1808-1887)
  • Mipham Rinpoche (1846-1912)
Part III: Contemporary Transmission 

Class 7: Our Community 

  • TT’s Root and Lineage Teachers
  • TT’s Life and Teachings 
  • The Founding of Our Centers