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Mondays 6:00 – 7:30 PM or Wednesdays 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM,  PT

(February 3   – June 7, 2025)

Online Only  

 Kum Nye is a way to relax and heal the gates of the senses, so that they also open inward, transmitting the full richness of experience and bringing more pleasure and joy into our lives. Kum Nye enables us to relax deeply and to be fully within the flow of sensory experience. 

                                                   Joy of Being  Ch. 11 Tuning Our Physical Senses 73

 Over early and late spring terms we go deeply into Part 3 of Joy of Being: Senses and Perception.  We will engage in practices for relaxing and healing the various sense organs. Nourishing the senses, distilling the pure juice of perceptions and experiences, we find a reliable source of contentment and meaning.  As we develop their potential, we open into a richness of experience that brings more joy and pleasure into our lives.

Each term can be done on its own: if you are an experienced Kum Nye practitioner, please consider joining in Late Spring when we will be going deeply into the senses. As Tarthang Tulku writes, “the more complete the sensations, the richer the feelings; the deeper the flow of feeling, the more profound the experience.”  Joy of Being practices  transform our understanding of love and compassion, opening into the quiet joy of contentment (Joy of Being p.72).

 The class is taught twice during the week: Monday the instructor is Abbe Blum at the Nyingma Institute;  Wednesday is taught by Bram Williams and Angela Bushaway in the U.K. Students can attend one or both. Each term can be done on its own. This course is also intended as groundwork for those interested in eventually teaching Joy of Being. Prerequisite: Several terms of Kum Nye experience or permission of Instructor.